Home Inspection Valley View IL – Donahue Home Inspections – Call 773-908-4362

Home Inspection Valley View IL

Home Inspection Valley View IL

A Home Inspection Helps Price Your Property Accurately

Setting the right sale price when listing a home is challenging for any selling who is about to put a property on the market. While you want to avoid discouraging possible buyers with a price that’s too high, you also don’t want to price it too low and leave money sitting on the table. Working with a knowledgeable real estate professional and utilizing your pre-listing Home Inspection Valley View IL report will help you determine an accurate and fair price. In additionally, you will be able to cite the inspector’s report in order to justify the price.

-Helps with marketing. Along with detailing issues with your home, you may use a pre-listing Home Inspection Valley View IL to highlight the positive aspects uncovered through the procedure. For instance, the inspection might reveal that the roof on the home is in fine condition with many years of its lifespan remaining. You could reference the inspection report and promote that feature on the sale listing. Sharing the positive findings of a pre-listing report is a good way to establish trust with potential buyers.

-Appeal to motivated buyers. For most property listings, potential buyers may be concerned regarding the property’s condition and be hesitant to get stuck with lots of expensive repairs.

However, through sharing the information detailed on a pre-listing Home Inspection Valley View IL, sellers can draw buyers who know the home’s condition and the issues associated with owning it. The information proffered to the prospective buyer can helpful for addressing doubts they may have about the home and their interest is an indicator they want the transaction to move ahead.

To schedule a professional Home Inspection Valley View IL or to learn more about the other services we provide call Donahue Home Inspections today.

Need Radon Testing for Your Fox Valley Home? Call the Experts at 773-908-4362

In addition to expert home inspection services, we also provide dependable radon testing. Read on for some fundamental information on radon gas and why testing your home for it is so important.

-What is radon? An odorless and colorless radioactive gas that comes from decaying uranium, radon is present in practically all soils. Minimal levels of radon are even present in the very air that we breathe. Radon presents a potential health risk when it is able enter and become trapped in a residence, commercial site or school property. Long-range exposure to elevated levels of the gas can be a cause of lung cancer. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, lung cancer resulting from over-exposure to radon leads to approximately 21,000 deaths nationwide every year.

How does radon get into a home? Radon gas simply moves from surrounding soil directly into a residence. While it is able to penetrate through the pores within concrete, the more likely entry points are gaps inside floors and walls. A house of any age in Illinois could possibly have high levels of radon gas. It mostly depends upon the way a house interacts with the soil around it. As an example, a house just down the road from yours – or even next door – could have significant differences in radon levels.

-Why schedule radon testing for your Illinois home? Radon gas has been discovered at various levels in homes and business all over the state. Any building could have a radon issue that calls for a solution. Industry research has estimated that as many as one six percent of homes nationwide may have a radon problem. The only method of knowing whether your home has potentially risky levels of radon is dependable, professional testing. Contact us today to schedule a radon test or Home Inspection Valley View IL.